Only in ADM: Isoangular sections
by RMSKempten
The option to make isoangular sections is a unique selling point of the ADM software package. It gives the user the option of displaying intensities at the same diffraction angles from different diffractograms. This enables a visual representation of the intensity curve of identical interferences in several diffractograms and thus increases the efficiency in the analysis of material samples.
One application is the analysis of multiple components in a substance at different temperatures to follow reactions. The following 3D representation shows several diffractograms at synthesis temperatures between 600 and 640 degrees Celsius, which contain the quartz, calcite and wollastonite phases. The formation reaction of wollastonite from calcite and quartz can be seen very well in the isoangular section (second image).
In the isoangular sections , the transformation of the phases can be seen very well (point of intersection):
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